Thursday, November 4, 2021 – 10:00 AM
Main Street Pub & Grill – 102 W Ramsey Street, Bancroft, IA
Thursday, November 4, 2021 – 10:00 AM
Main Street Pub & Grill – 102 W Ramsey Street, Bancroft, IA
Productive Kossuth County Farmland
80 Acres M/L, Section 22 – Greenwood Township, Kossuth County, IA
Legal Description: W1/2 NW1/4 Section 22 T98N-R29 W of the 5th PM. Greenwood Township, Kossuth County, Iowa.
Gross: 80 Acres M/L
Tillable: 74.82 FSA Acres M/L, including CRP acres:
- 14.87 acres of CRP at $272 per acre; expires 9/30/2026
- 14.72 acres of CRP at $266.68 per acre; expires 9/30/2026
CSR2: 55.40
FSA Information:
Corn base: 45.23 acres
PLC Corn Yield: 153
Major Soil Types: Ridgeport, Linder, Mayer
Does not contain a wetland.
Real Estate Taxes: $1,212; taxes will be prorated to possession.
Buyer’s Note: Seller will retain all of 2021 cash rent.
Open lease for 2022 crop year.
Method of Sale:
Parcel will be offered as a single tract of land.
To be sold at public and online auction.
Seller reserves the right to refuse any and all bids.
10% down-payment required the day of sale.
Online Bidding:
The online portion of this auction begins on Thursday, October 28, 2021, at 10:00 AM. Bidding closes on Thursday, November 4, 2021, at the close of the live auction.
To register and bid online this auction (please use Chrome NOT Internet Explorer)
Auction presented to you by Central States Agency and conducted by Clark Auction Service LLC.