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Welcome to Clark Auction Services!

If you are looking for an experienced Auction Company to conduct your auction, you have come to the right place. Clark Auction has a combined experienced team of near 100 years. Auctioneers Jerry Clark & Dave Guerdet are here to help you, whether it is a Farmland, Farm Equipment, House, Household or Antique auction, they have the experience to handle it. They know how important your family’s Estate is to you and will do everything they can to conduct a respectful and successful auction for you and your family. If you are considering having an auction, contact Jerry or Dave for a free consultation. The Clark Auction staff is a team that live in the area and has developed positive relationships with a wide range of people & businesses over the years. That is why our logo is “Your Local Auctioneers”.

Clark Auction Service in Northern Iowa & Southern Minnesota