Location of Farmland

Thursday, June 9th, 2022  – 10 am

LaRows Cafe, 401 3rd St. N Swea City, Ia. 50590

Simultaneous Live and Online

Legal Description: E 1/2 SE1/4 and SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Section 33 T100N -R30 West of the 5th PM. Excluding Tract described by survey.


115 Gross Acres M/L, 109 FSA Tillable Acres M/L

CSR2: 70.40

Major Soils Types: Webster, Klossner, Clarion, Okoboji, Nicollet

Available to Farm 2023 crop year

Method of Sale: Parcel will be offered as a single tract of land – to be sold at public and online auction.

Terms: 10% Down required the day of the Auction. Balance due at closing on or around August 2nd, 2022

Seller: Arl Carlson

Attorney: Todd Buchanan

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